Fund Overview

Unit trust funds remain one of the simplest and most cost-effective methods of investing. Namibia Asset Management offers a range of unit trust funds designed to meet the needs of most investors. To assist you in making the right investment choice, select a category that best describes your investment needs below:


You’re not willing to take on much risk but you do want a better return on investment than what bank deposits offer.

Income and Growth

While you need an income to cover your everyday living expenses, you also need your capital to grow.

Long-term Growth

You have a long-term objective to achieve the best possible return, and you understand the volatility inherent in financial markets.

Based on your Income selection, the following options match your investment needs.

Money MarketStrategic Income

NAM Coronation Money Market

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

1 year or longer (not for long term investors)

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 December 2015
IJG 3-month NCD Index

Fund Objective

Our Money Market Fund aims to provide a higher level of income than fixed deposits and call accounts. The fund provides a medium where investors can get exposure to diversified money market instruments as defined from time to time.

Fund Profile

The fund is tactically managed to achieve the best possible return achievable from money market instruments, while aiming to protect capital.

Investor Profile

The fund is suitable for investors seeking an alternative to bank deposits and/or a short-term parking place for their capital.

NAM Coronation Strategic Income

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

N$5,000 or N$500 monthly debit order
1-3 years longer

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 November 2007
IJG Money Market Index

Fund Objective

The fund aims to achieve a higher return than a traditional money market or pure income fund.

Fund Profile

The fund is tactically managed to achieve the best possible return achievable from money market instruments while aiming to protect capital.

Investor Profile

Investors who are looking for an intelligent alternative to cash or bank deposits over periods ranging from 12 to 36 months.

Based on your Income and Growth selection, the following options match your investment needs.

Balanced DefensiveCapital Plus

NAM Coronation Balanced Defensive

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

N$ 5,000 or N$500 monthly debit order
3+ years

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 November 2007
NCPI + 3%

Fund Objective

The fund is in the first instance managed to protect capital over any twelve-month period. In addition, we aim to achieve reasonable investment growth over the long run. It is specifically managed to suit very cautious investors who want to draw an income over an extended period.

Fund Profile

The fund aims to provide a reasonable level of current income and seeks to preserve capital in real terms, with lower volatility over the medium to long-term.

Investor Profile

The fund is suitable for investors seeking a defensive investment solution that enables an annual income drawdown and requires a reasonable rate of return over a period of 3 years and longer. The fund caters to investors with a low tolerance for the volatility associated with equity investing. This fund is however not suitable for investors seeking to aggressively accumulate capital over an extended period of time.

NAM Coronation Capital Plus

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

N$ 5,000 or N$500 monthly debit order
3+ years

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 November 2007
NCPI + 4%

Fund Objective

The fund is managed to achieve reasonable investment growth over the medium to long term and aims to produce an annualised return of inflation plus 4% over time. In addition, the fund aims to achieve less volatility than the average balanced fund and is specifically managed to suit investors looking to draw an income over an extended period of time.

Fund Profile

The fund actively seeks to curb risk and volatility and can hold a maximum of 60% in growth assets like shares and listed property.

Investor Profile

The fund is suitable for investors seeking a conservative risk-conscious investment solution with a strong focus on managing downside risk. It further caters to investors requiring a reasonable rate of return over investment horizons of 3-5 years, with a low tolerance for the volatility of returns associated with equity investing.

Based on your Long-term Growth selection, the following options match your investment needs.

Balanced PlusOptimum Growth

NAM Coronation Balanced Plus

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

N$ 5,000 or N$500 monthly debit order
5+ years

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 April 2011
Median Return of Namibia Peer Group Funds

Fund Objective

The fund aims to achieve the best possible investment growth for long term investors, within the constraints of Regulation 13 of the Pension Funds Act.

Fund Profile

The fund aims to maximise long-term returns, and therefore has a strong bias towards shares, which offer the highest expected growth over the long run. The fund aims to actively seek out attractively valued shares that could achieve strong returns over periods of five years and longer.

Investor Profile

The fund is suitable for investors looking for an investment solution that balances long-term growth with moderate levels of risk.

NAM Coronation Optimum Growth

General Information

Investment minimum:
Time Horizon:
Risk Rating:

N$ 5,000
10+ years

Launch Date:
Regulation 13/15 :

01 March 2020
Composite: 35% MSCI World Daily Total Net Return Index, 35% MSCI Global Emerging Markets Daily Total Net Return Index, and 30% Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Total Return Index Unhedged USD

Fund Objective

The fund aims to maximise long-term investment growth by investing in a globally diversified portfolio with exposure to both developed and emerging markets across multiple asset classes. The fund intends to provide competitive after inflation returns over all five-year periods.

Fund Profile

The NAM Optimum Growth feeds 100% into the Coronation Optimum Growth Fund and will normally have a significant bias towards shares but can invest in a variety of assets including listed property, bonds and cash. The fund has a flexible mandate and can invest in any combination of developed economies and other emerging market assets.

Investor Profile

The fund is suitable for investors looking for a balanced exposure to both developed and emerging markets; and are comfortable with granting the asset manager a wide degree of discretion. The fund is also suited for investors who are in their wealth build-up phase and require little income yield in the short term. In addition, investors should be able to withstand short-term market and currency fluctuations in pursuit of maximum total returns over the long term.

NUTM General Information & Conditions
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